Broadband Platform Utilities

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Notes configuring BBP utilities to run on SDSC Gordon.


SDSC Gordon has solid state disks. These may speed up BBP processing, because BBP uses many small files. Initial tests, running the UnitTests and Acceptance Tests suggest a speedup of 1.8x, which is enough it make this worthwhile investigating further.


We have information how long it takes to run BBP on SCEC HPC cluster. We will reconfigure to run on Gordon, and will compare time-to-solution using Gordon against use of HPC.


Fabio pointed at - This script will create a series of PBS files, that contain appropriate PBS parameters (e.g. number of nodes), and path names. These should be changed to point to directories on Gordon.

[ux454496@gordon-ln2 batch]$ ./ -h
Usage: [options]
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -c CODEBASE, --codebase=CODEBASE
                       Codebase for the simulation: ['gp', 'ucsb', 'sdsu',
                       'exsim', 'csm']
 -e EVENT, --event=EVENT
                       Validation event (should be configured in BBP)
 -d SIMDIR, --dir=SIMDIR
                       Simulation directory
 --skip-rupgen         Skip the rupture generator, run only 1 simulation
 --hypo-rand           Enables hypocenter randomization
 --no-hypo-rand        Disables hypocenter randomization
 -n NUMSIM, --num-simulations=NUMSIM
                       Number of simulations to run
 --email=EMAIL         Email for job notifications
 --new-nodes           Schedule the job in the new HPCC nodes
 --save-tmpdata        Save the contents of the tmpdata directory
 --only-rup            Only runs the rupture generator
                       GMPE group: ['nga-west2', 'nga-west1', 'cena group 1']

Fabio also pointed at the script. This will configure the compute node run-time environment. This needs to be edited away from HPC to Gordon. He made special reference to the $TMP_DIR/BBP_DATA_DIR definition at two places in this script. These are used at HPC to point to a on-compute node disk. Once results are written there, they are moved to another spot for storage. We should be able to point this to solid-state disk on Gordon, rather than compute node disk storage on HPC.

SDSC Gordon

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